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ASSOCIATE MEMBERS COMMITTEE – bringing information to the members on products, materials, professional and technical services and support, new technologies, as well as sponsorship of events. A new Resource Guide is in development for the Active Members to use for quick and easy searches

ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE – identifying regulations and legislation, professional engineering support, Member Best Practices, ECO Certification, Operations and Facility guidelines, government and other stakeholder relations and to bring information, advisories and recommendations to the membership

HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE – identifying regulations and legislation, safety issues and Best Practices, Operations and Facility guidelines, government and other stakeholder relations and to bring information, advisories, and recommendations to the membership

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE – MTO, MEA, OPS, OBC, OGCA, ORBA, OSSGA, NBC, CSA, ACI, Concrete and Construction Specifications, RMCAO Certification, construction guidelines, research, technological and material advancements, on-line tools (e.g. SCC Calculator and CMATSTM), government and other stakeholder relations, as well as bringing information, advisories and recommendations to the membership

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE – weight law proposals, CVOR, Driver Training, Regulations, Legislation, Best Practices Guidelines for members, government and other stakeholder relations, and to bring information and advisories and recommendations to the membership

The Concrete Ontario activities and programs, supported by all of the background organizations and communications of the association, are the keys to member value. If you need more information or have any questions, please contact the Concrete Ontario.



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